Thursday, February 3, 2011

crazy •® {CrEaTiVe}

I created my website, about 3 years ago and since then it has undergone 5 major look changes.  the last of which...

is the result of not liking the look i spent oh about 3 months creating :/ ...
I must admit it wasn't the design I wasn't happy with here, it was the way the page was loading.  It. took. for. EVER! I I was afraid of losing brides :/
Let's not even discuss how ugly the first several designs were! Ok, not ugly, poorly designed.

Here is here I am now...

Changing colors! Trying to keep some resemblemce of the designs...

We'll see if this sticks!  I love the bird and have to STICK WITH IT
After all, the BIRD is the WORD!
The chandelier is in reference to the one in my office where i consult with brides.  I love love love this image!

So am I crazy •® {CrEaTiVe} ?!
...probably A LOT of both...